千万不要把“Sleep like a log”翻译成睡得像个木头了!
2016-08-25 • 89411. Sleep like a log 睡得很沉
Log就是一段木材,或者是很粗的树干,用来烧火或者盖房子。要是你sleep like a log,那就是你睡得非常好,就像块木头一样动也不动。
▶ Bob, last night after I got the promotion that I have been so worried about the last six weeks, I can tell you that I was able to sleep like a log, for the first time in more than a month. I don't think I even turned over in bed all night long. It was great.
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2.Sleep on it 把问题留在第二天解决;考虑一晚上
Sleep on it的意思是:推迟对某一个重要问题出决定,以便有更多的时间来考虑。这个说法可以追溯到英国的著名国王亨利八世。这个国王先后一共有八个王后,1519年亨利八世遇到了一个难题,很难作出决定。历史学家找到的一些官方文件记载这个国王讲的话。他说:We should sleep and dream upon the matter.这句话的字面意思是,我们应该对这个问题睡觉和做梦。当然,他真正的意思是:对于这个问题我们应该再花点时间好好考虑。
▶ Ann, we don't have to decide right this minute. Let's just sleep on it. And after a good night's sleep, we can make up our minds and go buy it after work.
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3. Not sleep a wink 无法成眠
Wink即眨眼;眼睛闭上了又很快张开。Not sleep a wink这个习惯用语的意思是,由于某种原因,一个晚上都睡不着。
▶ I am so sleepy I can't keep my eyes open. I stayed up till four am for the last minute study for the English exam, and when I finally did lie down, I couldn't sleep a wink.