A Dragon Realm Adventure-这本书不错哟,强烈推荐!

A Dragon Realm Adventure

作者 (Author) Tsang, Katie
等级 (MML) MM LEVEL: 4.9
年级 (IL) Medium Grades (MG 4-8)
字数 (Words) 164500
类型 (Fiction) Fiction
书号 (ISBN)
系列 (Series) Dragon Realm;
Twelve-year-old Billy Chan and his friends each share a bond with a dragon. When new dragons fall from the sky into the Human Realm, the group join forces to reunite them with their lost egg. But the Dragon Realm is filled with dangerous golden elixir, magical creatures and threats lurking round every corner. Can our heroes accomplish their mission, or will they fall at the last hurdle? The special World Book Day story! Book #6


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